So I'm sitting in class, minding my own business, when my teacher, Dr. Steve, brings up the topic of the media.
Ok...I'm here. I get social media, I understand it. Then he starts asking us questions.
Dr. Steve: How many times do you visit a social media site a day?
I shamefully hang my head. I think "gosh, I must go on about 5-10 times a day, depending on the day." Then someone raises their hand.
....THIRTY TO FIFTY TIMES A DAY?! I was embarrassed before, but after hearing that I'm just confused. How does one have the time to go onto social media that many times a day? How are the Facebook posts and Instagram photos so interesting that they can take up that much time in our lives? Some students leave Facebook open on their computer all day, most everyone in the class is on social media while they are walking....that's when I realized, I have to blog about this.

Is social media nice, yes it is. I'm glad it's in the world. I've utilized it since high school and have been thoroughly addicted ever since. But I thought that I was using social media to much in my regular day life. I've been trying to downsize the amount of time I spend on it. I took Facebook off my phone in order to cut off my access from it while I'm out with my friends. But now that I know that my class finds the norm of time spent on social media to be so high I don't know what I think. Am I just an oddity in my generation or should my generation be spending more time with their heads out of their social media...especially when moving in the streets!
Love your outlook on this topic! When I stop and think about how often we, as a generation, go on social media it really upsets me. I'd much rather talk to/interact with someone face to face than through a screen...